Progression training involves a client being progressive in fitness.  There’s a lot of progressive training programs anyone can be involved in.  For instance, a client who wants to run a half marathon.  They aren’t going go out and run 13 straight miles.  There is training that’s involved such as tempo, heart rate training, duration, intensity and much more!

I had a client who wanted to bench press 100lb dumbbells for 10 repetitions.  It took a lot of progressive training to get there, but he was able to do it with different bench press programs, smith press programs, and strengthening all aspects of his chest.  Mesa Personal Training allowed this client to meet his ultimate goal.

The last progressive training client I’ll talk about is a body fat reduction client.  This client focused on nutrition, weight training to build muscle, and cardiovascular fitness.  A client can lose lots of weight, but it may not be healthy.  Mesa Personal Training provides wonderful Progressive Training Programs!  Many workout types just go out to “workout”.  They don’t have a certain goal in mind or a program to achieve it.  Mesa Personal Training will build that program for you!  Take the step now in the right direction…